Up to 150mm thickness, 3,000mm width
and 12,000mm in length
Up to 150mm thickness, 3,000mm width
and 12,000mm in length
Up to 20mm thickness,
2,000mm width 
and 4,000mm in length


Three different Cutting Systems

Plasma Cutting

Plasma Cutting
Underwater, high-focus and fine-focus plasma cutting: suitable for fast and inexpensive serial and single part production.


  • High cutting speed
  • All stainless steel grades of 3 mm – 150 mm sheet thickness
  • High-Focus and Fine-Focus for narrow tolerances
  • Under-water cutting for warp-free profiling

Waterjet Cutting

Waterjet Cutting
Precise cutting with narrow tolerances and finest contours.


  • Delay-free, precise and fine profiling
  • No reaction to heat, hardness increase, bending or tension
  • Tight tolerances depending on the thickness of the shee
  • Close to right-angled cutting edge
  • Parts are instantly ready for installation

Laser Cutting

Laser Cutting
TRUMPF laser system. Ideal for serial and individual production with „thinner“ material.


  • Very high cutting speed
  • All thicknesses up to 20 mm
  • Narrow tolerances depending on the thickness of the sheet
  • Excellent cutting quality with a almost right-angled cutting edge
  • Precise, warp-free cut-to-size profiling

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